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Sun Lakes Pickleball Club Ironoaks



The purpose of this form is to create a consistent format for evaluating member suggestions for projects, events or expenditures.
This form is not required from committee heads or level coordinators required from committee heads or level coordinators

In general, equipment purchases or events that will interfere with regularly scheduled play times require approval of the
Iron Oaks fitness director and/or the club teaching professional. Will their approval be required?
Yes / No (circle one) And if required, have you obtained their approval? Yes / No (circle one)

Will their approval be required?
If required, have you obtained their approval?

What is the anticipated cost of the proposal, the vendor(s) that will be used, the nature of the expenditure(s) and frequency
(one time, annual, monthly, etc). If the proposal is for something that will not have a cost, simply say "No Cost" in the cost column.

Completed forms received at least seven days prior to the next board meeting will be addressed at that board meeting.

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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